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Estimating Bitterness

789 bytes added, 16:11, 20 March 2016
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if you added 1.5 oz of 13.25% Simcoe you would get 19.875 AAUs.
The AAU format is helpful for sharing recipes but does not give an accurate prediction of final bitterness.
AAUs are the easiest to calculate, but most brewers use IBUs. For normal strength beers you can approximate the IBUs in Tinseth simply by multiplying the AAUs by 3.5. Using the above example 4 AAUs x 3.5 = 14 IBUs.
==First Wort Hopping==
==Bitterness Ratio==
The preceived bitterness expressed in a ratio of IBUs to gravity.
This is frequently seen expressed as BU/GU. That is Bitterness Units/Gravity Units. This is used as a comparator and for checking balance (or lack thereof) in a recipe. The Gravity Units are the decimal portion of the original gravity. A 1.060 OG wort would have a GU of 60. If this recipe called for 30 IBUs, then the ratio would be 30/60 or 0.5
It is with this method that a brewer can estimate whether bitterness or malt will dominate the flavor profile.